Wild Reads
The books shown here are simply a list meant to take you deeper into the heart of wilderness. Most are easy to read and fascinating introductions to the idea of wilderness and how vital it is to our full flowering as humans. It turns out that without wild places, we shrink in heart and mind and soul. We simply cannot truly live without it. But reading is only a start. To understand, you have to climb the mountains and wander the forests. Our hope is that immersing yourself in the pages below will awaken your desire to immerse yourself in the wilderness around you. And as your heart is awakened to the wonder of the wild, you will be changed.
Wilderness and the American Mind
by Roderick Nash
The Rocky Mountain Wonderland
by Enos Mills
The Hidden Life of Trees
by Peter Wohlleben
Wilderness Essays
by John Muir
Wilderness Ethics: Preserving the Spirit of Wilderness
by Laura and Guy Waterman
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness
by Edward Abbey
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
Mountains of the Mind: A History of Fascination
by Robert Macfarlane
Beyond the Hundredth Meridian
by Wallace Stegner
The Practice of the Wild
by Gary Snyder
Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart
by Carrot Quinn
The Idea of Wilderness
by Max Oelschlaeger